Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sunshine on my Window Makes me Happy, like I should be

 As promised, I said I would write something fun today! So these are a few of my favorite things:
Starbucks- Iced caramel coffee with half and half
80's movies- any kind!
90's rap :)
playing Uno-yes the card game
traditional margaritas- No salt
a glass of moscato
Marvel comics-She Hulk is my Fav
Heels- the higher the better
Big sunglasses 
Sunny days
Eating ice cream OUT of the container
taking obnoxious pictures 
having jam outs in my car
embarrassing my husband in public places 
my dog Abby-Duh
shopping of any kind-except Grocery shopping 
Weddings-even though I cry at every one
adding pins to my pinterest board 

 Simple, short, and sweet: I am off to go enjoy the sunshine 


1 comment:

  1. I have just recently discovered moscato, and I gotta tell you, it changed my life, LOL. Best enjoyed straight out of the bottle of course :)
