Monday, December 22, 2014

Year Recap

     Since a certain photo company screwed up our Christmas cards I figured I could reach the masses this way. We have had a blessed and quick year. I remember as a child waiting FOREVER for Christmas to come back around and now as an adult, I turn around and there it is again.
   Obviously, our biggest news. Miss Scarlett Jean was brought into the world on March 22nd 2014 at 11:31 am . She came into the world kicking and screaming measuring at 8lbs 11oz and 20.5inches long. Not much has changed. She is a go go go baby!
 In April, Dave got a promotion He is AT2 (sexy) lol! It was well deserved and I couldn't be more proud of him. Scarlett and I have been on numerous trips home (Crown Point) with many stops in between. So many people have gotten to meet her and that makes me so happy, because she has this ability to bring out the best in everyone.

We went on a family vacation to New Bern North Carolina, Grandpa, grandma, and auntie Sarah braved the trip with us. We got to experience so many new things with Scarlett (sailing, blueberry picking, pool time). I was grateful for the help and company. With David's ship schedule and different training schedules he is here and gone out to sea way too often to keep track of. I was worried about Scarlett's right foot which used to be at a 90' angle but has since corrected itself quite nicely (after I INSISTED on 2 referrals to orthopedics)
  David and I have survived and enjoyed our first year of parenting. Experiencing all the firsts with your child is something so exciting that you can't quite describe. 
The other love of my life came into the world September 29th. Mr Jayce Alexander, my nephew. Jamie and Jeremy did an amazing job! I was fortunate enough to make it home on a trip to meet him. He loves me and I am his favorite! 
   The end of this year has been full speed ahead, We are currently keeping a 3rd dog for a sailor while they find housing, Gus bus is full of energy and adds to our daily humorous life. We are in the finally stages of closing on our FIRST home (Jan 2nd is closing day). David just got trained in a new position. His words "SE Asset Manager- Maintains support equiptment for the aviation shops aboard the Kearsarge"  
Births of 2014:
Jayce Alexander (Jamie Sergent- mom)
Dallas David (Paulina Hasty- mom)
Archie Taylor (Sarah Heaton Gilfoy- mom)
Brody Michael (Lindsay boo Besse mom)

Katee Lira (whoop whoop, I call flower girl for Scarlett) 

We have had a blessed year and have so much to be thankful for. We hope next year is just as great!! 

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